Nederlandse Kubus Club


To become an NKC member, please fill in these details:

Contact Information

This will be your login ID!

Min. 12 characters! Use upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters for a strong password.

The yellow fields are mandatory!
Please decide with the green/red switches, which details are visible not only to the NKC board, but also to other registered NKC members.
You can change the settings at any time in the membership section.

With the request for membership you agree in storing your data for administrative purposes of the club. Your data will not be forwarded to any other party. Only the details marked as public above will be visible to other NKC members.
No rights can be claimed on the basis of membership apart from receiving every issue of CFF, which is produced within the year of membership. Since 1994 CFF has appeared regularly three times each year and the plan is to continue this. CFF appears however by the virtue of a number of volunteers. If for some reason CFF does not appear or ceases to exist then no refunds are given. Members can pay their membership fee in advance for multiple years, but again, no refunds are given.

The membership fee is currently set to 17€ per year.